Automatic Migration to Uniswap

1. Migration Process:

  • Trigger Mechanism: Degentralized.Fun system monitors the total contributions to the token’s contract. When the 5 ETH threshold is met, the platform initiates the migration process to Uniswap.

  • Seamless Transition: The migration process is designed to be seamless, minimizing disruptions for both developers and investors. The contract is automatically listed on Uniswap, making the token available for trading.

2. Post-Migration Actions:

  • Liquidity Provision: Upon migration, developers are encouraged to provide liquidity on Uniswap to ensure smooth trading and support for the token’s market presence.

  • Ongoing Support: Degentralized.Fun continues to offer support and guidance post-migration, helping developers navigate the Uniswap platform and manage their token’s performance.

Last updated